2021 Grant Award Recipients


Yampa River Environmental Release Program

Grantee: Colorado Water Trust

Colorado Water Trust will contract with the appropriate entities to release stored water from Stagecoach Reservoir and Elkhead Reservoir to benefit the natural environment and the local communities as needed during drier periods of the Summer and Fall. Find out more here.

Yampa River Corridor Project

Grantee: City of Craig

Engineering for a whitewater park in Craig.  This project will feature drop pools and safe boater facilities, while allowing fish passage. Engineering will also encompass replacement of an existing municipal water diversion dam.



Process Based Design for Trout Creek Restoration

Grantee: Trout Unlimited-Colorado

YRF funds will be used for project design to protect and restore a 2.5-mile section of Trout Creek using low-tech, river restoration techniques that aim to restore natural river processes. The project is located on a ranch west of Oak Creek.

Pleasant Valley Habitat Recreation Improvement


This project includes design and engineering for a restoration effort that improves aquatic habitat in a critical reach of the Yampa River.  The project will benefit stream health, function, and recreational opportunities. Learn more here.


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Maybell Diversion Restoration - Permitting

Grantee: The Nature Conservancy

This grant supports pre-construction permitting and stakeholder engagement for restoration of the Maybell Diversion and headgates on the Yampa

This grant supports pre-construction permitting and stakeholder engagement for restoration of the Maybell Diversion and headgates on the Yampa River. When complete, the Maybell project will provide improved boat and fish passage on this section of the Yampa as well as improved water delivery for the ditch users.

Yampa River Forest Restoration Project-Snake/Hitchen’s Island

Grantee: Yampa Valley Sustainability Council

YVSC will plan mid and upper canopy tree species on City of Steamboat Springs property, Snake Island. Tree planting will help restore degraded riparian habitat and provide long-term benefits to stream temperatures in accordance with the 2018 Stream Management Plan.

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